Other services

Backup and restore

For compliance reasons or otherwise, if you need services that help you with the taking of recurring or one time back-ups, please connect with you for our offerings. We can assist you with the storage locations that work for you, keeping cost, accessibility, and compliance in mind.

Backups ensure that you can rebuild your website and retrieve the lost data. Some of the common reasons why you may need to recover from the backup:

Data/code lost due to human mistake

Natural calamities resulting in loss of data centers

Hardware/ software/ network glitches corrupting the files

Virus attacks rendering the site unusable

Unplanned data center closures

SSL Certificate Installation

SSL Certificate expired or giving issues? Please contact us to review the same and connect with a certification authority to address your concerns.

Web Infrastructure Migration

Want to move your website from one hosting platform to another due to cost, performance, or regulatory needs? We will be able to make the recommendation while keeping your interest in mind. Please contact us with the specifics of your needs to help us with assisting you.